Today I read a very sad message from someone I don't really know. But I felt as close to her as if she were my sister. Her dog Oliver, her friend and companion for 13 years, had passed away after suffering a stroke. I could feel her pain and anguish and wanted to reach out and help her in any way possible. But what could I do? A virtual stranger. Just offer a few words that hopefully were of comfort, and sat here alone so totally overwhelmed by the recent deaths that I have been avoiding dealing with.
Out of respect for Oliver, I would just like to say a few things about our incredible friend Dewey.
He was one of a litter of 9 puppies (6 girls 3 boys)and was born under our house. His mothers name was Minnie (Mouse) and daddy we called many thing but his Official name was Peanut Butter. This is what happens when you let the children name the pets. I can't remember what we called all of the puppies but in keeping with the Disney theme the 3 boy pups became Huey, Dewey and Louie. We managed to find homes for all of the pups, giving the last one to a relative as a Christmas gift. Then I heard rumor of one family planning to get rid of their puppy. I went to their house and said I'd take him back. That was our Dewy!
He went through a lot of growing pains. As a young'un he loved to eat crayons and rolls of paper towels and any assorted object he could sneak into his mouth. It was mostly harmless and "Just Dewey" until he ate the brittle plastic water gun. He survived, but couldn't sleep in the house for a long time after that.
He was a wonderful watch dog. He decided that was his job on his own. If he was running loose and playing with the kids he was just a friendly playful puppy. If he was tied up, he wouldn't let anyone he didn't know anywhere near the house. That was great fun when the Church folks came to call!
Even when our family broke apart, we still shared Dewey. We didn't fight over custody, we shared it, just like the kids. So Dewey's circle of love grew in his later years. We let him live where he was happiest, which happened to be the home with the most kids! Everyone adored him and he had plenty of love to spread around. No one was left out.
The last year we knew was bad. It was getting harder for him to walk and even stand. We knew he couldn't handle another winter and decisions would have to be made.
On August 27, 2000, the decision was taken out of our hands and he passed away on his own, waiting just long enough for one last kid to come and say good bye. Even in the end he was thinking of his people.
What a bright light he was in our lives. I hope he and Oliver are able to meet up in Good Doggie Heaven. They were both surely Princes of the Canine World. God Bless Them Both.
This is young Dewey
in Sanford Michigan
where he was born.
Here is Dewey nearly 14 years old. Three months
later he would be gone. This picture was the
only one in the whole batch that had those
light streaks in it. They were all taken about the
same time, same place. We believe he was
surrounded by Angels preparing to carry him
See you tomorrow.