My daddy has always loved airplanes. When I was a kid he made a couple of kites out of Balsa wood and tissue paper that looked like Bi-planes. One was red and one was green. He liked to fly them in our back yard (one at a time) and they would get up pretty high. When he was finished playing he'd begin winding the string to bring the kite in. Our back yard was 3 acres and my mom and us kids + a few neighbors were always out watching whenever daddy "flew his planes". What none of us realized was how realistic they looked to strangers seeing them for the first time. One evening as he was bringing one in "for a landing" a car pulled over and people jumped out waving their arms and yelling! We all turned around to see what the fuss was about only to see that they were yelling at us. They thought that a plane was about to crash in our back yard!!! Everyone had a good laugh about it later, but it sure did scare those poor folks! I don't remember him flying them any more after that, but I believe he still has them. They are nearly 50 years old now. Good times!
So hey, it's Fly A Kite Day so why don't you all go fly a kite! (I've always wanted to say that)
See you tomorrow.
What a great story...and very appropriate. :)