Thursday, January 29, 2009
It's National Puzzle Day!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Who Is That Kopy Kat?
--A Kazoo Fan From Kalamazoo

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A few years back I took an IQ test and scored pretty well. Not a genius by any means, but with the "average" score being 98, my score of 130 was pretty good. My certificate is one of the many things lost, and by all means one of the least important in my life.
The other day I ran across this "Dumb Test". It said that I was 28% Dumb and my score was 5/18. There was no explanation, it didn't tell me which ones I got wrong (or right). I guess that's the point of a Dumb Test. Make you feel dumb no matter what. While I was looking around for the Dumb answers, there were a bunch more silly tests and quizzes to take. I saw the IQ one and it said that there were only 10 questions so I knew it wasn't a "real" IQ test but I wondered just how dumb I'd gotten in the last 4 years.
According to the results of this quiz, I missed only one question. That makes me just as dumb as I was 4 years ago when I was sorta smart. I can deal with that.
See you tomorrow.
Monday, January 26, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Perceptions and Transitions
It is late and today is an undesignated day. I

Friday, January 23, 2009
It's Measure Your Feet Day!

Today we must pay homage to our lowly feet. Most of us don't give them enough attention! When is the last time you treated them to a pedicure? After a bath or shower as you're primping with your body butters and lotions, do you include your poor little feet?
Thursday, January 22, 2009

1....might as well face it, I'm addicted to love.... (is there a 12 step for that?)
2. PPPppppepsi, PLEASE!!!!!! (One a day with no caffeine is just a tease for an addict like me!!!)
3. smoking, but I almost have it licked! Some days I don't even think about it, other days I might smoke 3 or 4.4. digital scrapbooking, and I dare any one to try it for a week and NOT get addicted!
5. stuff, you know, like sit-arounds, dust collectors. I'm kinda choosy about my stuff, and I really hate it when I lose my stuff.Now it is time to pass the torch, so to speak. To honor 5 others just as Lori Ann has honored me. The first couple are easy as pie for me. Every day I check out 4 blogs just hoping there will be a new post that in one way or another will brighten up my day! Lori Ann is in that 4, so I' start out with 3. I've got a couple more in mind, but I want to get this party started.
In no particular order I have chosen these 5 to receive the Fabulous Blog Award:
Andrea (these are the days to remember) who is my scrapbooking mentor. Without her I would never have found this wonderful world. She is also a great writer and reading her blog is like she is bringing you right into her family with all the laughter and the tears. I never want to miss a moment!
Audrey (jacobsonfive) A fantastic children's party planner, caterer, SAHM, and great recipe supplier. Always has tons of pictures that I love and you can vote on naming their baby girl! I only wish she would post more often, but she is very busy and very pregnant!Tara (chiapellifamily) She puts fun things on her blog. Over the holidays she had a snowball fight with her family! I was sooo cute and too much fun! It's a family life kind of blog, but they are such a cute family!
Deb (listed in my Partners in P 365) I love this one because not only are her kids cute, but she takes pictures of the pets as well, and often it sounds like she refers to them just like the rest of the family. I love that!Vicki (aworkinprogress) What's not to love here!? She has combined her usual blog with Project 365 so we get pictures of her doggone beautiful pups, AND tons of freebies too!
As for my picture of the day, I mentioned above that one of my addictions is my "stuff". Well....a lot of my stuff is actually stuffed stuff. When I worked for the carnivals, that just fed my addiction! One of my bosses used to spoil me rotten, and one day my husband objected saying we didn't have room for all that "crap". The boss just stared him down and said "Everybody needs something to love! Obviously you're not doing your job!". That was the end of any more remarks about my stuffed toys.
See you tomorrow.
PS A hint for tomorrow's "Day". It might inspire you to buy new shoes!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
When I look back on this blog in a year or two....or ten, what am I going to want to remember about today? I certainly don't want to diminish the importance of NBD for all of you buttercruncher's out there, but for me I am going to remember that this is an important day in the history of my country. The Inauguration of our 44th President Barack Obama!

It matters not what political side we may have voted on. Today is the result of America's freedom of choice. I can remember Martin Luther King Jr saying "...I have a dream...". Today that dream is so much closer to reality!
See you tomorrow.
Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy Martin Luther King Jr Day everyone!
Don't forget that tomorrow is National Buttercrunch Day, so be prepared!!!! LOL
See you tomorrow.
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Saturday, January 17, 2009
I was just over on Facebook and my sisty had just tagged me and my baby girl in a couple of pictures. There are very few pictures of me with any of my kids. Mostly because I'm usually the one behind the camera. I also rarely like any photos taken of me and with today's technology it's easy as pie to just edit what I don't like. Two of these photo's are acceptable, so I have no problem posting them here. I remember the day these were taken and it was a very happy one!

I personally think that I look healthier...at least in the face....when I weigh more. I'm at that age when your skin begins to lose it's elasticity and all the facial exercises in the world aren't helping me with that "saggy" look. Bllllaaaaahhhhh!!!!! Good thing I'm not lookin' for no man! LOL
FYI Today is the anniversary of the Wright Brothers First Flight. Yesterday was National Nothing Day!!! Yay for both of those!!!!
See you tomorrow.
Friday, January 16, 2009

This evening was a nice change of pace, halfway between crazy and normal. A trip to Chuck E Cheese to celebrate eight year old Jeffery Joel's birthday! What a photo opp it was too! Everyone who could be together was and I don't see many of them often so it was great to get pictures especially of the not so little anymore kids! OMH! One of them I had just seen in June and today I bearly recognized him! He's at the massive growth spurt stage having turned 13 recently.
The star of the evening was our birthday boy, the now 8 year old and out of a booster seat, Jeffery Joel! Just look at those cheeks puff out there and you can tell that he is full of a lot of hot air like his gramma! LOL
This is the only picture I'm posting here today because it is late and I have at least one more blog to write tonight.
See you tomorrow!
Thursday, January 15, 2009

I got lucky! The project that I had started fit right in with the instructions, well enough that I didn't have to start over anyway. Everything just fell right into place and I finished well within the time limit. I just LOVE when that happens (which isn't often!).
I'm patting myself on the back for this one because there is not just one, but three extractions in this layout. Two of them I did during the SS and one had been executed prior and was the main reason I didn't want to ditch the project. Even so, there usually isn't time to get one good extraction in a SPEED Scrap so I'm quite happy about two.
Oh, in case you're wondering about the pictures, in the background, myself at about 18 months in Troy, Michigan and my husband Jimmy at about 5 years in or near Bakersfield, California. The composit picture, taken somewhere in the Bakersfield area is from left to right Donald Urquhart, Jimmy Urquhart, Janet Urquhart. That is rather deceptive but it would take a soap opera a couple of years, maybe a lifetime, to tell that story.
The buzz over at ESS is that TOMORROW is the GRAND OPENING!
See you tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

So, what did I do today? Well that's sure easy. Same as every other day. Sat in front of my computer and tried to be productive. Didn't succeed too well at that today. Feeling a bit overwhelmed and under informed.
This picture is small, but on the computer screen is my new home scrapbooking site, Enchanted Studio Scraps. It's very cute and lots of fun. I thought that it was having its grand opening tomorrow, but now I'm not sure. Guess I'll know tomorrow. Then maybe I'll tell you!LOL
Happy Birthday to Jeffery Joel! Hope to see you soon. I want to hear all about your surprise party! Bet it was tons of fun!!!
See you tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

WHAT!!! It snowed again? Who'd of figured that here in Michigan! OK, that isn't shocking. What is shocking is that I put on a coat and scarf and went out into the 15 degree snow storm just to take a picture for this blog. For me, that is real commitment! I must admit that I didn't get very far once outside. I stopped just before I took one step too many. Snow drift! Not only did I forget to put my boots on, but was wearing my plastic summer shoes with all the holes in them. What was I thinking?
I have one thing more to say about this snow. Go Away! Virginia is calling and my grandchildren want you!
See you all tomorrow.
Monday, January 12, 2009

Gosh! Where does the time go! It's late and I need to get this posted.
This is a photo of my youngest son. he doesn't feel well these days so he probably won't appreciate that I'm putting his sad face out on the internet. He isn't at all a ham like his sister and he rarely smiles. As with all of my family though, I treasure any and every picture I can get my hands on. As my son and I both know too well, sometimes that is all you have left to hang onto.
Here's hoping that he will have a happier future! See you tomorrow.
Sunday, January 11, 2009

I'm kind of breaking my own rules today. I am posting a "Scrapped" picture. There is a reason why. The photograph that I scrapped is......how shall I put this....not exactly a new photo. It' is actually from back in the 50's, just like yesterdays. But then again, it is also from 1976....and 2008.
I don't know if you'll be able to see the little poem that is written on the layout, but I wrote it "as if" my little grandson were saying the words. It is called "Be Little"
If I could have just one wish, I know what it would be. For Mommy and Grani to be little, And spend the day playing with me.
The picture, from left to right is, Noah, Grani, and Mommy.
If I had a little better eyesight, it could probably be tweaked a little to get us all proportionate to each other. All in all, with my limited abilities, I'm happy with the results. See you all tomorrow.
Saturday, January 10, 2009

Whoa! It's been one of those days! Or should I say 2 of those days. I never was able to get to sleep last night so they have kind of blended together for me. I almost forgot to post today! I did forget to take any pictures.
My dear Sisty was kind enough to post some pictures of me on Facebook after I asked her for some childhood photos. Leave it to a sister to get a good laugh at my little behind hanging out when I was maybe 3 years old! I'm determined not to let her have the last laugh though. If you take a nice look at the picture, that's my Sisty bending forward and stareing at my cute little tushie! I want to know just what she found so fascinating down there? I know I'm cute sisty, but really!!!!!(And isn't our Mom soooo beautiful!!!)
Thank you Deb for playing along with my previous post. You are completely correct, that is a Jacob's Ladder! My Dad made it so long ago I can't even remember! Sorry I don't have a prize or anything. HA! Maybe that's why no one else bothered to guess!
Well, here's hoping I can get some sleep tonight...and I'll be seeing you tomorrow.
Friday, January 9, 2009

My kids and I have traveled a very rocky road through life. The details are not for this particular blog. One thing that has never waned is the love between us.
Today my son is way too sick to let me take pictures, so I talked my daughter into it. She is such a ham! I was happy with just 2 or 3, but she just kept posing. First with one cat then the other (and she doesn't even like that cat!). She even danced a little for me under my spe

Of course with all of her great enthusiasm, I couldn't choose just 1 picture! And since she went to the trouble of being nice to the "other" cat, I

Thursday, January 8, 2009
Diabetic Who? Day 8

In the grocery store the other day, just after I told myself no to a second bag of chips, I happened upon a tasty treat that I'd been looking for in 2 states over the past few years. My most favoritest Kraft Green Onion Chip Dip. OMG!!! You have no idea how much I have missed this stuff. There isn't much in this world that I like better this with Lay's Classic Chips!
I do have some amount of will power, I did turn away from that second bag of chips! I also cut myself down to only 1 Pepsi a day which is HUGE in the will power department!
Since I've been diagnosed with diabetes, I have lived pretty much on fruits and veggies with the occasional toast, or cereal and sometimes even meat thrown in for excitement.
Seeing that dip in the store the other day though, something inside of me just snapped. I bought the dip. Not just one, but two, AND went back for that second bag of chips!
All I have to say for myself is I'm eating a lot less than I used to, and this photo was staged to make it look a lot worse than it really is.
See you tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

See you tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Day 6

Now for the little birdie. That little rascal has told me a lot of stuff! Remember when your mom would just "know" things, and you thought that you'd covered your tracks well? You would ask her how she knew and one of her clever little replies might have been, "A little birdie told me". Well, when my 2 youngest were quite small (and very gullible) they believed that this little bird was all seeing and all knowing, and a tattle tale!
That of course is a little faerie tale.
See you Tomorrow.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Day 5

My niece is my sisty's eldest child, she is 3 months younger than my eldest (both girls). Sisty and I also both had twins. I had boys, she had girls. They were all born in December.
Anyway, about the picture, I will definitely be scrapping it! I think the young'un is right, it is a very awesome picture and looks more like a movie still than some random shot from a cold winter day. Hey! If you, on a COLD winters day go out for some Live Action Game PLAY, would that make you COLDPLAYers?
See you tomorrow.
Day 4

In this photo is one of my treasure shelves. The doll was a last gift from my husband, the cat a memory of a Utah friend. The little boy with the teddy bear reminds me of when my twins were small. I've had that for nearly 30 years. Same with the other little boy, he is stooped down looking at a turtle. That was a Christmas gift from my parents and I'll never forget when I opened it. I lifted the tissue from the box and there was an adorable little tiny turtle! I picked it up to show everyone and said "Look! I got a turtle!", just as I said it I realized there was more in the box. I pulled out that sweet child and said, "and it comes with a boy!"....I don't know, maybe you had to be there, but it was really funny at the time. I've always been a bit backward.
See you tomorrow.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
OOoo La La!! Mommy Has A Boyfriend!!!!

See you tomorrow.