--A Kazoo Fan From Kalamazoo

Now all I have at home are two spoiled rotten cats. Susan B Anthony (Suzy) and Isabel (Izzy) might as well be sisters. Izzy was born in my house so she has always known Suzy and until all of our trauma happened last summer Suzy hated little Izzy with a passion.
The nearly two months of hell that they went through together brought them to a peaceful and sympathetic truce. Suzy would allow Izzy in the same room as long as she respected her boundaries and remembered who was Top Cat in the household! Izzy played along for quite a while....as she watched. Suzy always had the top spot on the back of the couch and it was OK for Izzy to lay on Mommy's lap, just as long as she was lower.
Izzy has always been a Mommy cuddler. Suzy is a Mommy watcher, she needs to be able to see me but not necessarily touch. Any time I even go into the bathroom Suzy follows and sits on the edge of the tub and waits. If Izzy follows she has to stay on the floor.
Well, that's how it was....but these girls are so jealous of each other that recently they have taken to switching places every couple of weeks. Izzy started it by running ahead and getting to the spot first. I could almost hear her saying "Na Ne Na Ne Boo Boo!" and waving her little paws up by her ears.
At first I thought that Suzy had just given up her "place" and I was mad at the little one ('cause Suzy is older and by far my favorite!), but when she got tired of playing the game and letting Izzy pretend to be boss, she just got up one day and tackled her, beat the snot out of her and went back to her role as Queen.
I learned my lesson. I will not interfere with their kittenish squabbles as long as they don't break anything!
See you tomorrow.
Hilarious!!! I used to have two cats and I can totally relate!!