I did a Speed Scrap today and there isn't much I like better than a good Speed Scrap so I figured what the heck, I'll post that picture today. It was kind of cool how it worked out. I was writing info for another SS on my calender when I realized that one was just beginning in a few minutes at another site. There wasn't time to reset my PhotoShop so I crossed my fingers and went for it.
I got lucky! The project that I had started fit right in with the instructions, well enough that I didn't have to start over anyway. Everything just fell right into place and I finished well within the time limit. I just LOVE when that happens (which isn't often!).
I'm patting myself on the back for this one because there is not just one, but three extractions in this layout. Two of them I did during the SS and one had been executed prior and was the main reason I didn't want to ditch the project. Even so, there usually isn't time to get one good extraction in a SPEED Scrap so I'm quite happy about two.
Oh, in case you're wondering about the pictures, in the background, myself at about 18 months in Troy, Michigan and my husband Jimmy at about 5 years in or near Bakersfield, California. The composit picture, taken somewhere in the Bakersfield area is from left to right Donald Urquhart, Jimmy Urquhart, Janet Urquhart. That is rather deceptive but it would take a soap opera a couple of years, maybe a lifetime, to tell that story.
The buzz over at ESS is that TOMORROW is the GRAND OPENING!
See you tomorrow.
Hey...I found your blog! I told you on ESS but I love this LO! I can't believe you did the 2 extractions during a speed scrap! I did one extraction last night and it took me almost 40 mins!