My kids are all grown now, scattered far and wide. I've learned the hardest parenting lesson of all, the word "mother" does NOT begin with an "S". My husband passed away 6 months ago, and as much as I complained about what a pain in the behind he was, I obviously liked having him around or I'd have put him in a home long before it became a safety issue. Now he sits in his little plastic box next to my printer. Life is lonely,thus I spend a lot of time with my very bestest friend, Suzy B. We've been together around 8 years now. We have moved across the country and back again. She has been shot...and survived and attacked a dog 8 times her size because it was killing her baby. She couldn't save her baby, but she left that dogs face nicely sliced.
She is very bossy and dominant in her animal kingdom, but completely opposite with people. I have never known her to bite or even draw a claw on a person. As long as I keep her claws trimmed, there are never even accidental "catches". Suzy thinks that when anyone comes to visit they have come to see her. She insists on getting her loves before she'll leave you alone.
She knows when I'm sick and my meds aren't working before I do. She was the same way with my husband. When she gets very "clingy", it's time to see the Dr.
I could take pictures of my kitties all day long, funny thing is though, they don't change their hair or their expressions much. I love this picture of Suzy for two reasons. The glowing eyes and it reminds me of her personality because I was taking a picture of the word art behind her and every time she saw me with the camera she jumped up in the chair in front of it. Just like a kid! Ya gotta love 'em!!!
See you tomorrow.
What a sweet kitty! I love animals. They really are good company.