Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Well what do ya know! It snowed.....again! I looked outside the window and decided that I could get a nice picture without having to go outside. So this is it, the winter view from my living room. I love the beauty of the snow, but could live without the pain the cold causes. Ah, well...such is life.
See you tomorrow.


  1. I love love love snow!! That is so beautiful!!

  2. This is so beautiful!!! Do you mean your links on the side bar? I can help you get those up.
    -click on CUSTOMIZE in the upper right corner and chose your blog.
    -choose add a gadget
    -choose ADD A LINK LIST (you'll have to scroll down a bit to see it)
    - Then you just c&p paste the blog addresses in :)

    I hope this helps you. If not, you can get me on email at or on yahoo IM as rachnmaddie and I can help ya!
